Image is Powerful but not Everything

Looks aren't Everything

Over the years, society has manipulated and constructed the idea and image of "beauty" and the "ideal" woman or man.  The "ideal" woman has been portrayed as: white, slender figure, symmetrical, and someone of health and youth.  However, beauty is not a distinct race, body type, or gender.  Everyone possess beauty in unique and distinct ways.  

Cameron Russel, a model of 10 years, spoke about the topic of the "ideal woman" and declared that looks are not everything.  She states that image is powerful and superficial, however, image does not define who we are.   Looks have the ability to advance an individual oh so far.  On the other hand, knowledge and character have the power to carry an individual even further, both knowledge and character creates endless opportunities for all.  That is a quality that image lacks.  All in all, looks and image can fade, while character and intelligence prevail.

Hearing what Cameron Russel had to say really hit home, because I have always struggled with the acceptance of my appearance and image, due to the fact that the media portrays the "ideal" body and traits of the perfect women as unrealistic in my eyes.  I have grown to learn and appreciate that wit and intellect will last eternally whereas, appearance is not entirety.

Work Cited:
Russell, Cameron. "Looks Aren't Everything. Believe Me, I'm a Model." TED Talk, Jan. 2013,


  1. Your analysis of the topic is very in depth, showing clear pathos your essay. The usage of personal life really contributed to the blog as you showed you can empathize with the effect society has on women. The argument that knowledge and skill can carry an individual further than looks is a great point in that it is logical. That is due to the fact that looks fade but smarts get sharper over time if you utilize them, as you discussed in your blog.

  2. I've seen this TED talk before. Cameron does a nice job of showing how the "ideal" woman or man is not even real, but an opinion or template we choose to base beauty on. Our society thinks that beauty is defined by certain characteristics, but this is false. I think everyone is impacted by this notion, which is why most people can relate to an issue like this. I agree with you that beauty is found in everyone some way.


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